Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Almost a year later I've decided to begin updating my most recent journey here. I am in the very early stages of developing a new Paleolithic lifestyle. By early I mean I just purchased some literature on the subject and am barely beginning my research. I first heard about this from THIS BLOG i have been following. I have always struggled with the way that i eat and have never truly committed to changing. i don't know what is different about this but i am very intrigued.

To begin my research I purchased three books.
1. Well Fed 
By Melissa Joulwan
2. Paleoista
By Nell Stephenson
3. The Paleo Diet
By Loren Cordain, Ph.D.

I will keep you all updated!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

check out reader appreciation week and all the lovely give aways at

this is my favorite blog i'm always drawing inspiration from these posts, and i especially love the calendar screen savers

Saturday, August 27, 2011

excited for marriage!

i have been getting no rest lately. every night i cuddle up in my big fluffy bed next to the boy of my dreams and i begin to think about what the next few weeks will bring. my excitement overwhelms me and sleeping is no longer an option. instead i'm consumed with thoughts of our life together. the time we'll spend laughing together, the home we will build with each other, and our growing family. there is only a few more weeks until our big day and i would never be able to begin to describe how happy he has made me.